群言堂コレド室町店にて石木花フェアを開催! Sekibokka fair will be held at Gungendo Coredo Muromachi store!

Sekibokka fair will be held at Gungendo Coredo Muromachi store!
The fair will be held at Gungendo Coredo Muromachi store, which has a store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. During the exhibition period, it will be a valuable opportunity to see a large number of Sekibokka’s bonsai and items lined up. If you’re interested, why not come and visit us? We look forward to your visit.
Gungendo Coredo Muromachi store
Address: 1-5-5 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022
Tel: 03-6262-3161
Period: 3/1-3/31
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