会期延長のお知らせ Notice of extension of exhibition period.

「アートと文化の発信拠点」をコンセプトに、アートと人が交差し、 伝統と最先端のカルチャーが共振する場を提供している京都蔦屋書店にて、開催中の石木花POPUPですが、ご好評により会期の延長が決定いたしました。今回は父の日までの延長となります。よろしければぜひ遊びに来てくださいね。
会場|京都 蔦屋書店 6階文具工芸売り場
主催|京都 蔦屋書店
We will extend the session period.
Sekibokka POPUP is currently being held at Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore, which provides a place where art and people intersect and where tradition and cutting-edge culture resonate under the concept of “a hub for the transmission of art and culture.” Due to popular demand, we have decided to extend the exhibition period. This time it will be extended until Father’s Day. Please come and visit us if you like.
Date: May 1st (Wednesday) – June 12th (Wednesday), 2024
Venue | Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore 6th floor stationery and crafts department
Sponsored by Kyoto Tsutaya Bookstore
Contact us|075-606-4525 (during business hours)
・Official website
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